Tarakaratna and Panchi Bora starrer ‘Yamini Chandrasekhar’ is a scientific thriller on love backdrop that shows Tarakaratna as an investigative journalist. The film is the creation of cinematogr...Continue reading
Nandamuri Tarakaratna, who recently won Nandi award for his performance in ‘Amaravathi’ is all set to start his new film titled ‘Prajavathi’. This is a periodical film with big budget and huge sta...Continue reading
‘Nandeeswarudu’ starring Taraka Ratna and Sheena as lead pair and Jagapathy Babu in pivotal role is all set to hit theaters on January 14th. Sreenu Yarajala directed this action flick mixed with f...Continue reading
'S5' is a horror-thriller directed by Sunny Komalapati, the dance master. 'No Exit' is its caption. Sai Kumar, Ali, Nandamuri Tarakaratna, Sunil and Prince are playing key roles in the movie. Produ...Continue reading
'Devineni' is an upcoming movie allegedly on the saga of Devineni Nehru and Vangaveeti. The makers have clarified that the political drama will not offend any section of the audience or political s...Continue reading
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