Director Gunasekhar is helming a film titled 'Euphoria'. The film's first schedule was wrapped up recently. The makers have informed the audience that a new schedule has been kicked off. Gunasekha...Continue reading
Baba Sehgal, well-known to Telugu audience for his rocking pop numbers in several blockbusters and superhit films like ‘Jalsa’, ‘Adhurs’, ‘Arya 2’, ‘Mr Perfect’, ‘Gabbar Singh’ and ‘Shadow’ (aud...Continue reading
After successfully completing the recent test shoot with 3D technicians in Munich, Germany for his forthcoming streo-scopic 3D movie ‘Rudramavedi’, filmmaker Gunasekhar is now in Warangal along wit...Continue reading
“Mr. Chandrasekhar Rao should be greeted for exempting the film from entertainment tax. Historical films like ‘Rudhramadevi’ needs such encouragement. With this encouragement several people will co...Continue reading
Director Gunasekhar is looking at making a splash on the national stage after making critically-acclaimed films in Telugu. On June 2, the 'Okkadu' director will turn a year older. For years, he ha...Continue reading
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