Actor Suriya, who recently won the Best Actor National Award for his performance in 'Soorarai Pottru', today started shooting for his new movie. Directed by star Kollywood filmmaker Siva, it is Sur...Continue reading
The year 2013 in Tollywood will start off with the audio launch of ‘Mirchi’ composed by none other than the rocking music director Devisri Prasad. The stills showing Prabhas holding the keytar ind...Continue reading
V V Vinayak’s new film introducing Bellamkonda Srinivas as hero is on the way as the unit appears to be considering the title ‘Alludu Sreenu’. Yes, this is the title that is making rounds on the w...Continue reading
The theatrical trailer of young and energetic star Ram Pothineni’s upcoming film ‘Vunnadi Okkate Zindagi’ has lived up to the expectations. The explanation of Ram about friend, be...Continue reading
Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna as the lead pair, the movie Pushpa is directed by Sukumar. Slated for its pan India release on 25th December 2021, Pushpa has a huge hype around. The makers of Pus...Continue reading
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