Nandamuri Natasimha Balakrishna’s prestigious film ‘Legend’ is rewriting its records. The film will created yet another record by completing its 365 days successful run on March 28. The prestigious...Continue reading
'Akhanda' was released in theatres on December 2 last year when no other big-ticket film was prepared to hope against hope. The film started out slowly but eventually, it became one of the biggest ...Continue reading
Aksha Pardasany, who carved a special image for herself with the films like ‘Yuvatha’, ‘Ride’ and ‘Kandireega’ has now bagged an interesting project. She has now signed for one of the female lead r...Continue reading
Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna's ‘Dictator’ is coming to the audience on January 14 as Sankranti treat. Versatile director Sriwass, who carved commercial and family entertainers such as ‘Lakshyam’...Continue reading
'Bhagavanth Kesari' is slated to hit the cinemas on October 19. At an event in Hyderabad on Sunday, the makers sounded all the more confident about the Balakrishna-starrer's commercial success. Pr...Continue reading
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