"True Love triumphs over all odds," wrote VK Naresh, unveiling the teaser for 'Malli Pelli'. The film, directed by MS Raju, is a dramatized interpretation of the events from the lives of Naresh, hi...Continue reading
'Martin Luther King', directed by debutante Poja Kolluru, is slated to be released in theatres on October 27. A political satire, its trailer is out. Sampoornesh Babu plays an orphan who is addres...Continue reading
Nata Simha Nandamuri Balakrishna is going to be the chief guest for the audio launch of ‘Guntur Talkies’. Young and talented Praveen Sattaru, who had succeeded as director through the films ‘LBW’ a...Continue reading
Marking Teacher's Day, celebrations were held at the Sri Vidyanikethan educational institutions, which are owned by the Manchu family. Actor-producer Manchu Vishnu said that the Teacher's Day is a ...Continue reading
Legendary filmmaker Kasinadhuni Viswanath, popularly known as K Viswanath, has won the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke award for his outstanding contribution to the Indian cinema. The messages of cong...Continue reading
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