A few weeks ago, actor Aadi SaiKumar and 'RX 100' star Payal Rajput teamed up for a movie titled 'Kirathaka'. Directed by M Veerabhadram, the film is a crime thriller. On Thursday, Vision Cinemaas...Continue reading
Director Veerabharadm Chowdary, who became successful with two comedy entertainers, Allari Naresh starrer ‘Aha Naa Pellanta’ and Sunil starrer ‘Poola Rangadu’ is now preparing himself for his next ...Continue reading
‘Poolarangadu’ is the story about a young guy who imagines himself as Sobhan Babu in ‘Soggadu’ and thinks how he would handle things if girls go crazy about him. In this line a beautiful young gir...Continue reading
Director Veerabhadram is on cloud nine with the success of his latest flick ‘Poola Rangadu’. On this occasion in a press meet organised on Saturday in Hyderabad he shared his thoughts with the med...Continue reading
Speaking at the trailer launch event, director Veerabhadram Chowdhary said that the trailer is quite interesting and different. "I have learned that it has got a new concept. These days, the audien...Continue reading
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