'Heads & Tales' is an upcoming movie, that is to be aired on ZEE5, from October 22. The story penned by 'Color Photo' director Sandeep Raj, Heads & Tales is being directed by Sai Krishna En...Continue reading
After considering titles like ‘Bhale Tammudu’, ‘Chinnodu Peddodu’ and so on, the makers have finally going for the title ‘Tadakka’. This Sunil-Naga Chaitanya starrer also has the milky beauty Ta...Continue reading
Vishal's new pan-India movie is titled 'Mark Antony'. Featuring the talented 'Laatti' actor in a heavy role where he sports a thick beard, the film is directed by Adhik Ravichandran. The news is t...Continue reading
'Mathu Vadalara 2' is directed by Ritesh Rana, whose first two films were 'Mathu Vadalara' (2019) and 'Happy Birthday'. The latter, released in theatres in 2022, was a disaster. Chaotic, overcooked...Continue reading
Young actor Vishwant Duddumpudi's next movie is titled 'Katha Venuka Katha'. Co-starring Subha Sri and Srijitha Ghoush, the film is produced by Dandamudi Box Office and Sai Sravanthi Movies. A sus...Continue reading
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