"True Love triumphs over all odds," wrote VK Naresh, unveiling the teaser for 'Malli Pelli'. The film, directed by MS Raju, is a dramatized interpretation of the events from the lives of Naresh, hi...Continue reading
VK Naresh, who debuted in Telugu with 'Prema Sankellu', went on to act as a male lead in more than 100 films. As a character artist, he has done more than 150 movies. Marking his birthday (January ...Continue reading
Naresh starrer Raghupathi Venkaiah Naidu will be releasing in the 29th of November. He plays the role of Raghupathi Venkaiah who is popular as the father of Telugu cinema. The film’s work is ...Continue reading
'Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundali' is the remake of the Malayalam film 'Vikruthi'. The film, produced by Ali on Aliwood Entertainment, will start streaming on Aha Video from October 28. Besides A...Continue reading
'Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundali' is the remake of the Malayalam film 'Vikruthi'. The film, produced by Ali on Aliwood Entertainment, has completed its shoot to the tune of 90%. This is Ali's deb...Continue reading
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