'Nallamalla' is touted to be a story-based film that explores several dark aspects of the Nallamalla forests. The news is that popular artist Nasser has unveiled the film's new single. Titled 'Erup...Continue reading
'Nallamala', starring Amit Tiwari and Bhanu Sri in the lead, has Nasser in a key role. Also featuring Tanikella Bharani, Ajay Ghosh, Kalakeya Prabhakar, Chatrapathi Sekhar, Chalaki Chanti, and Mukk...Continue reading
Amit Tiwari has made a name for himself by acting in a number of hit movies. Bigg Boss, the Telugu reality show, has endeared him to the audience. 'Nallamalla' is the title of his next film. ...Continue reading
Sid Sriram has so far sung melodies mostly. For a change, the popular playback singer has rendered a folk song for 'Nallamalla'. This is the first time that he has sung such a song in Telugu. &lsq...Continue reading
Amit Tiwari, Bhanusree, Nasser, Tanikella Bharani, Ajay Gosh, Kalakeya Prabhakar, and others in the lead roles the movie Nallamala is gearing up for its release soon. The makers of the movie are ey...Continue reading
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