Hero Jiiva, who reached Telugu audience with the super hit film ‘Rangam’, is playing the lead role in a psychological thriller ‘Kee’ set in the backdrop of cybercrime. Nikki...Continue reading
'Padmasri' is an upcoming movie directed by SS Patnaik, who has also written it. Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad has unveiled its posters. This is a comedy-based action-oriented horror movie, the make...Continue reading
A few years ago, at a film event, Rajendra Prasad emotionally said that the relationship with his daughter, Gayathri, was strained. "She chose love marriage. That's why I don't talk with her," the ...Continue reading
‘Lovely’ starring Aadi and Sanvi in the lead is heading towards 50 days of screening. The film is directed by B Jaya and produced by B A Raju. Dr Rajendra Prasad, who played a pivotal role in thi...Continue reading
Dr. Rajendra Prasad is an Indian Film Actor who is popularly known as one of the finest comic heroes in Telugu Film Industry. He was born on 19th July 1956 and made his Telugu Film debut in 1977 wi...Continue reading
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