‘Key’ featuring Jagapathi Babu in key role is all set to hit the screens on July 16th. The film completed its censor formalities and obtained clean ‘U’ certificate. The film is directed by Nagend...Continue reading
'Chalo Premiddam', starring Sai Ronak and Neha Solanki, is directed by Suresh Seker Repale. Produced by Himalya Studio Mansions, a song from the entertainer is out. Composed by Bheems Ceciroleo, it...Continue reading
'FCUK' (standing for 'Father Chitti Uma Karthik') is going to celebrate a key event on February 6. The makers are calling it the Barasala ceremony, which is not to be taken literally. The term is ...Continue reading
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Jagapathi Babu, Priyamani, ‘Kick’ Shyam starrer ‘Kshetram’ is getting ready for release on December 16th. T Venu Gopal is making his debut as director for this film which is being produced by G Go...Continue reading
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