'Jaan Say' is touted to be a new-age crime thriller directed by debutant S Kiran Kumar. Produced by Krithi Entertainment Productions, a new banner, the film is also written by its debutant director...Continue reading
'Matrudevobhava', coming with the caption 'O Amma Katha', has completed its post-production works. Directed by newcomer K Haranath Reddy, the movie is produced by Chodavarapu Venkateswara Rao of Sr...Continue reading
'Jayaho Ramanuja' tells the story of the 12th Century Hindu philosopher and social reformer Ramanuja. The historical-devotional flick's first look was released recently. At an event held today, Te...Continue reading
Veteran filmmaker K Raghava, the man who had seen 100 years of Indian cinema, breathed his last on Tuesday in the early hours due to heart stroke. He was 105. K Raghava, the owner of Pratap Arts Pr...Continue reading
'Seva Das' is an upcoming movie starring KPN Chowhan, Preethi Asrani, Bhanu Chander and Suman in the lead. The Banjara film is targeted to reach 18 crore Banjaras living in 64 countries. The film w...Continue reading
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