'Death Game' is an upcoming thriller starring Amar Nath Reddy, Bhanu Sri, Soni, Suraya Parveen and others. Directed by Cheran, the film is a suspense thriller produced jointly by KC Suri and Rajase...Continue reading
Nagarjuna’s devotional film ‘Om Namo Venkatesaya’ has wrapped up the shooting part and all formalities including post-production works and is getting ready to arrive theaters on F...Continue reading
It is announced through a poster that the teaser of Manchu Lakshmi’s ‘W/o Ram’ will be released on April 27th at 5 PM by Nagarjuna. Manchu Lakshmi, who is known for experimenting ...Continue reading
Akkineni Nagarjuna will be doing a different role in upcoming film. Dhanush is directing this movie, which will be coming in Tamil and Telugu. The shooting of the film has started already. Nagarju...Continue reading
He’s so far known at large as Akkineni Nagarjuna and Amala’s son. But Akhil Akkineni will add actor to his resume quite soon. His dad Nagarjuna had already announced in ‘Addaa’ audio function tha...Continue reading
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