Uday Kiran, who earlier did an action fim ‘Sriram’ which was on police backdrop, is currently doing yet another action film on the same backdrop titled ‘Jai Sriram’. Balaji N Sai is directing this...Continue reading
Uday Kiran’s die hard fan named Satish, a mechanic in Komatapalli Junction committed suicide by hanging himself after learning that his favourite hero is no more. Satish was reportedly disturbed b...Continue reading
Once upon a time who was the heart throb of young girls in Andhra Pradesh, Uday Kiran is all set to test his luck once again after giving a long break. Yes, his ‘Nuvvekadunte Nenakkadunta’ is read...Continue reading
Youthful romantic entertainer ‘Nuvvekkadunte Nenakkadunta’ starring Uday Kiran and Swetha Basu Prasad is all set to hit screens on August 26th. The film is directed by Subhaselvam and jointly prod...Continue reading
Actor Uday Kiran died by suicide in the year 2014. Since then, now and then, YouTube channels and TV channels have been trying to rake up the issue by trying to stoke doubts in people's minds. Dir...Continue reading
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