Shriya Saran is currently doing a female-centric, multi-lingual film titled 'Gamanam'. Helmed by Sujana Rao, the film is a realistic drama that will release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and...Continue reading
'Peanut Diamond', directed by Venkatesh Triparna, is an upcoming movie starring Abhinav Sardhar, Ram Karthik, Chandini Tamilarasan, Sherry Agarwal and Shaani Salmon in pivotal roles. On Monday, dir...Continue reading
Hari Hara Veera Mallu' will soon resume its shoot. The period action drama will be released in theatres in April 2022. On Tuesday, a pic of director Krish Jagarlamudi and producer AM Rathnam ...Continue reading
It is a known fact that Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is one of the most celebrated heroes of Tollywood. The craze he carries is matchless. Now that Pawan Kalyan's first look poster from his much-anticipa...Continue reading
The other day, a breakup anthem titled 'Ori Vaari' from 'Dasara' was out. Here is another breakup anthem in less than a week. The heartbreak anthem is from an upcoming movie titled 'O Saathiya', w...Continue reading
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