Nandamuri Balakrishna's 109th movie is directed by Bobby Kolli. The movie's Title Teaser is out and the statement is powerful. The 'Akhanda' actor, after playing ferocious roles as a factionist, a...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna's 'Veera Simha Reddy' hits the cinemas on January 12. Director Gopichand Malineni and Mythri Movie Makers are stealing the thunder by launching innovative promotions. As part...Continue reading
Veera Simha Reddy's grand worldwide theatrical release is scheduled to take place on 12th January, 2023. The news is that Nandamuri Balakrishna and team are done with the film's production works sp...Continue reading
Balakrishna Nandamuri's film NTR's Biopic is getting bigger now. There are a number of stars in this film. The latest entrants into the film are Nara Lokesh and Brahmini's son Devansh and Kalyan Ra...Continue reading
'Akhanda' was released in theatres on December 2 last year when no other big-ticket film was prepared to hope against hope. The film started out slowly but eventually, it became one of the biggest ...Continue reading
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