'Honey Trap', directed by Sunil Kumar Reddy, will release in theaters on September 17. Starring Rishi, Shilpa Nayak, Teju Anupoju, Siva Karthik and others, it is produced by VV Vamana Rao of ...Continue reading
In the trailer of 'Valasa', Manoj Nandam's character says, 'Oopiri aadatledu'. This moment is clearly inspired by the 'I can't breathe' scene in the last moments of George Floyd's life. Floyd's dea...Continue reading
Sunil Kumar Reddy has decided to promote his film ‘Gulf’ in different manner to take the film to maximum number of people. As part of this, he is releasing songs and teasers in different places of ...Continue reading
Director P. Suneel Kumar Reddy who made several successful films in Telugu is coming up with his latest film 'Gulf'. This movie is getting ready for release soon. Director Sukumar has unvei...Continue reading
'Valasa', directed by P Sunil Kumar Reddy, is going to release in theatres on January 8. Ahead of its release, the makers have spoken at length about the movie and what made them make it in the fir...Continue reading
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