Aadesh Films is coming up with critically acclaimed female oriented movie titled ‘Pavithra’ featuring Shriya Saran in title role and Sai Kumar, Roja, Tanikella Bharani, Kaushik Babu, AVS in other...Continue reading
'Gamanam', which is produced by Kria Film Corp and Kali Productions, stars Shriya Saran, Priyanka Jawalkar and others. Directed by Sujana Rao, it is all set to release in theatres on December 10. S...Continue reading
Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Victory Venkatesh have taken social media by storm with their film 'Gopala Gopala' . The movie's theatrical trailer was released a few days ago at the audio launch f...Continue reading
Only couple of hours and Balakrishna starrer Gauthamiputra Satakarni will be coming to the theatres. High expectations are riding on the film, the word of mouth is also good. Hopefully the film sho...Continue reading
R B Chowdary’s son Jeeva’s ‘Rangam’ which was released recently is successfully being screened in all its centres. The film is going to complete 75 days and will move ahead to complete 100 days al...Continue reading
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