Deeksha character portrayed by Lakshmi Manchu in Wife Of Ram represents every woman in the modern society at certain level. Hence, the characterization and her body language has been designed to re...Continue reading
Budugu is an intense and engaging family thriller written and directed by Manmohan. Based on real life incidents, the film depict some mysterious and shocking things that happen in the life of ...Continue reading
Laxmi Manchu's designer dog, named after the Greek god "Zeus" is making his debut in the film "Chandamam Kathalu". We all know that Laxmi Manchu is already a part of the film. Will Zeus be acti...Continue reading
It is announced through a poster that the teaser of Manchu Lakshmi’s ‘W/o Ram’ will be released on April 27th at 5 PM by Nagarjuna. Manchu Lakshmi, who is known for experimenting ...Continue reading
After making her silver screen debut as Irendri in the Prakash Rao’s socio-fantasy flick ‘Ananganaga O Dheerudu’, Lakshmi Manchu played the role of a police officer in RGV’s ‘Dongala Mutta’. Inter...Continue reading
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