Adah Sharma's 'Question Mark', a thriller directed by Vipra, is being produced by Gouri Krishna. The project has managed to complete the shoot despite the challenging circumstances. Shot in the jun...Continue reading
After two consecutive successes with 'Ishq' and 'Gunde Jaari Gallantayyinde', Nithin is now heavily banking on Puri Jagannadh's 'Heart Attack' to hit a hat-trick. The film which is supposed to...Continue reading
Actor Aadi is celebrating his success of Galipatam. He has been appreciated for his subtle performance and also for choosing a different and bold script and storyline.For his next film around 30 ac...Continue reading
Adah sharma who made a big debut in this years romantic flick Puri Jagannadhs Heart Attack has proved that she is one of the most promising faces to look out for.After just one film she made her wa...Continue reading
Adah performance was the talk of the town at SIIMA Adah Sharma always shocks the audience with her performances. Off late she has been thrilling the audiences everytime with a new Adah. Last ...Continue reading
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