Kollywood actor Ashok Selvan and Ritu Varma's 'Aakasam' is hitting the cinemas on November 4. Directed by newcomer R Karthik, the film also features Aparna Balamurali of 'Aakasam Nee Haddhu Raa' fa...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya and Ritu Varma as the lead pair, the upcoming movie Varudu Kaavalenu is in the limelight for all good reasons. Being helmed by a debutante lady director named Laksmi Soujanya, the movi...Continue reading
It is already reported that one of the much awaited films for this summer Nikhil Siddharth’s ‘Keshava’ will arrive in theaters on May 19. The latest we hear is that the makers are...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya's next film was launched today. This film has Ritu Varma as its leading lady. Sithara Entertainments is producing this film. This film is being directed by Lakshmi Soujanya. Her script...Continue reading
Upon hearing this it felt like a similar ad in the magazine of the 'bride''s parents searching for a suitable 'groom' for their daughter. But this is the name of the movie. What you heard is true. ...Continue reading
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