Shraddha Das, who is well known for playing second heroine roles in most of the films in her career, has signed yet another film titled ‘Rey’. The film, which is being directed by YVS Chowdary fea...Continue reading
'Arrdham' stars Mahendra, who acted as a child artist in 'Devi' and 'Peda Rayudu', in the lead. Directed by Manikanth Thalaguti, the thriller also features Shraddha Das, Ajay, Amani, Sahithi Avanch...Continue reading
Revolver Rani is a fire brand with a revolver. She creates havoc in the nearby villages with her entourage Pistol Pooja and Sotta. She is the most feared female in the boarder districts of Chattisg...Continue reading
Ajay, Shraddha Das of 'Guntur Talkies' fame and Aamani headline the cast of 'Arrdham', a psychological horror-thriller. Written and directed by Manikanth Thellaguti, its shoot has been half-complet...Continue reading
SE7EN OCEANS CINEMAS LLC, USA bags the overseas screening rights of the most anticipated Thriller Movie "GUNTUR TALKIES". Guntur Talkies movie is a romantic crime comedy film directed by Praveen Sa...Continue reading
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