Samantha Akkineni has launched the action-packed teaser of Naga Shaurya's 'Ashwathama'. Naga Shaurya himself has penned the story for this movie, produced by his mother Usha Mulpuri under Ira Creat...Continue reading
SonyLIV is coming up with an Original titled 'Freedom at Midnight', a show based on a 1975 book about the events around the Indian independence movement and partition in 1947. In the Original's Tr...Continue reading
Samantha is well-loved by all and this is because of her charming face, beautiful smile and decent roles in movies. She is one of the few actresses the industry boasts of and has remained so right...Continue reading
Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Mesmerizing Dialogue writer Trivikram’s ‘S/o Satyamurthy’ which was released grandly on April 9, had grand openings and is running successfully in all areas with a super...Continue reading
Samantha's latest science fiction action thriller Yashoda, is all set for a release on Nov 11, it's USA Premieres on November 10th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release b...Continue reading
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