Charmi’s ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is expected in theaters either during this month end or in the 1st week of July. Charmi will be seen in the role of a prostitute in the story that revolves around three...Continue reading
'Double iSmart' is a massive disaster. On August 15, the 'word of mouth' was not horrible. Many believed that it wouldn't be as bad a disaster as 'Mr. Bachchan'. But the film is a historic flop of ...Continue reading
‘Mantra’ is one of landmark movies in actress Charmi’s career which earned her immense name and fame. Now Teja Films banner is all set to launch ‘Mantra 2’ introducing S V Suresh as director. Acc...Continue reading
Ram Pothineni's electric performance overshadows Sanjay Dutt in the Trailer for 'Double ISMART'. The film, due to be released in theatres on August 15, is directed by Puri Jagannadh. The Trailer g...Continue reading
Charita Chitra’s ‘Prathighatana’ featuring Charmi in central role, which is being directed and produced by Tammareddy Bharadwaja has successfully completed the shooting part. M M Keeravani and cam...Continue reading
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