'BhamaKalapam 2' started streaming on Aha Video on February 16. Within a short period of time, the web release has clocked a whopping 100 million streaming minutes on the back of one million people...Continue reading
Seerat Kapoor never restricts herself when she has to pose hot for the photo shoot. The actress also brings out her best during the photo shoots. She had even gone topless and slipped into two-piec...Continue reading
After the success of "Krishna and his Leela", Seerat Kapoor is excited for her upcoming projects to show her capabilities as an actress as a lead in her upcoming "Maa Vintha Gadha Vinuma". Se...Continue reading
Bollywood celebrities often set trends when it comes to fashion and style, but the prime reason they can carry off all these looks is that they are fit. This is also the reason how they can s...Continue reading
PVP Cinema and Matinee Entertainment’s jointly produced ‘Raju Gari Gadhi 2’ is releasing on October 13. After delivering highly acclaimed and successful films like ‘Kshnam&r...Continue reading
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