'Gangs of Godavari' will hit the cinemas on May 31. The action drama features Vishwak Sen as a gangster named Lankala Ratna. Contrary to what has been presumed about the movie's story, it is not a ...Continue reading
The makers of Nandamuri Balakrishna's ‘Dictator’, have decided to release the film for this Sankranti. Versatile director Sriwass, who carved commercial and family entertainers such as ‘Lakshyam’, ...Continue reading
Shooting of the much awaited film ‘Dictator’ starring Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna, is going on at a rapid pace. This being Balakrishna’s 99th film, it is being carved out prestigiously. Versati...Continue reading
Namaskaram! Many unexpected things happened in my life in the last 5-6 days. In this process I troubled my producers, director and co-artists. So I sincerely apologise all of them for causing th...Continue reading
'Gangs of Godavari' was released in theatres on May 31. Right on Day 1, it opened to good numbers. The momentum continued over the weekend. Despite the Exit Poll fever gripping Andhra Pradesh, the ...Continue reading
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