'Project K', starring Prabhas and Deepika Padukone in the lead, has Amitabh Bachchan in a key role. The news is that the film is going to complete its production by the end of this year or early ne...Continue reading
"How the heck is this guy 57?! How can anyone get that strong and fit at that age without keeling over with a heart attack? Especially a lifelong smoker like him," Nikhil Mehra wondered soon after ...Continue reading
Superstar Rajnikanth’s much hyped film ‘Rana’ is finally hits floors on May 1st. A huge set is being constructed at AVM studios to begin the shooting. A few key scenes and a song on Deepika Paduk...Continue reading
The biopic on NTR was launched in a grand manner recently. Many actors are being roped to play small roles in the film. This will give the film good weight as well. Late Sridevi played a child rol...Continue reading
Allu Aravind has bought the remake rights of Anushka's 'Arundhati'. He will be producing the Hindi remake along with Madhu Manthena of Phantom Films and Brat Films. As per reports, Deepika Padukone...Continue reading
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