'Dirty Hari', directed by MS Raju, stars Shravan Reddy, Simrat Kaur and Ruhani Sharma in leading roles. Produced by Guduru Satish Babu and Guduru Sai Puneeth, the film is set to release on December...Continue reading
The Nani-produced 'Meet Cute' is directed by his sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. With Satyaraj playing a pivotal role, the film has six male and six female actors. The news is that the film i...Continue reading
'Meet Cute' is directed by Natural Star Nani's sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. The anthology is all set to stream on SonyLiv from November 25. Starring Satyaraj, Adah Sharma, Varsha Bollamma,...Continue reading
Make way for 'Saindhav'! This January 13th release seems to be a pack of precisely those elements we expect from an action drama. A daughter suffering from a terminal illness, a father who puts his...Continue reading
Here is the first look of Ruhani Sharma of 'Chi La Sow' fame from 'Dirty Hari', directed by senior filmmaker MS Raju, known for producing films like 'Okkadu', 'Varsham' and directing films like 'Va...Continue reading
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