'Puli Meka' is currently streaming on ZEE5. The Telugu-language web series is written and created by Kona Venkat. The streaming platform hosted an event to celebrate its release on Friday. Speakin...Continue reading
Allu Sirish, who scored success with a different concept film like ‘Kotta Janta’, as hero and Lavanya Tripathi, who stolen everyone’s hearts with scoring consecutive super duper successes, as heroi...Continue reading
Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi got married today (November 1) at the Borgo San Felice Resort in Siena, Italy. The first pic from the memorable occasion was put out by Naga Babu on social media. "Y...Continue reading
A family entertainer ‘Bale Bale Magadivoy’ starring Nani and Lavanya Tripathi as the lead, has completed the shooting of two songs and at present the film unit is busy with filming another song at ...Continue reading
Having built and supported over 450 schools till date that will impact the lives of over 8,00,000 underprivileged children, P&G’s flagship Corporate Social Responsibility program P&G...Continue reading
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