Happening production house People Media Factory today announced a drama titled 'Witness'. A thriller, it has been made in multiple languages (Telugu, Tamil and Hindi). Rohini Molleti of 'Baahubali'...Continue reading
"Witness the worst of humanity," the trailer for 'Kaliyugam' recently said. The horror-thriller, to be released in all major South Indian languages, is set in the year 2064 when the apocalypse has ...Continue reading
'Narudi Brathuku Natana' is the title of a new movie starring Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Shraddha Srinath. This is their second film together in a row after 'Krishna and his Leela', which released on ...Continue reading
The release date of Nani starrer 'Jersey' has been announced. The film will be released on 19th April. Nani announced the release date and promised that summer next year will be heart-warming. Jers...Continue reading
‘Lovely Rock star Aadi, who carved a special image for himself as young, energetic and talented hero in Tollywood, has bagged yet another crazy project. US Productions and Vijaya Lakshmi Ente...Continue reading
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