'Umapathi' is a seemingly idyllic and feel-good love story set in the backdrop of a village. Starring leading man Anuragh and Avika Gor, the film is touted to be a rooted story directed by Satya Dw...Continue reading
'BRO', starring Naveen Chandra and Avika Gor as siblings, is directed by Karthik Thupurani. With music by Sekhar Chandra, it also features Sai Ronak. The news is that the film will hit SonyLIV on N...Continue reading
There is no change is the release date of Raju Gaari Gadhi 3. It will be releasing this Friday the 18th of October as announced before. This is third film in the successful franchise of ‘Raju...Continue reading
The ‘Uyyala Jampala’ duo Raj Tarun-Avika Gor has once again paired up for a film titled ‘Cinema Choopistha Mava’. Anji Reddy, Rupesh D Gopal, Raja Sekhar Reddy and Bekkem Venugopal (Gopi) are joint...Continue reading
'Mansion 24', starring Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Avika Gor of 'Uyyala Jampala' fame, Bindu Madhavi, Nandu, Manas, Ayyappa P Sharma, and Rao Ramesh, is a Disney Plus Hotstar original directed by Ohmkar...Continue reading
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