'Shaakuntalam', starring Samantha Ruth Prabhu as the protagonist, will hit the cinemas on April 14. The final product is nearing completion. Directed by Gunasekhar, the film is presented by Dil Raj...Continue reading
When will Adirindi release? A question probably no one has answer for now. Sharat Marar had announced that Adirindi will release on the 26th of October, but now this seems uncertain. The Telugu ve...Continue reading
Well, we have a small update on some of the plans for Pawan Kalyan-Trivikram Srinivas’s ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’. Yes, to be clear, director Trivikram and his cast have a plan for the next one mont...Continue reading
Nithin and Samantha are set to pair up for a new film to be directed by AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary. Both Nithin and Samantha have tasted success this year with one film each, ‘Gunde Jaari Gallantayyin...Continue reading
Looks like a failed marriage, which ended in divorce, has made Samantha Ruth Prabhu believe that she must stay away from marriage once and for all. She has hinted that marriage, statistically speak...Continue reading
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