The pre-look of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled on the occasion of Dusshera. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Sat...Continue reading
‘Bham Bolenath’ that features Navdeep, Naveen Chandra, Pradeep, Pooja, Prachi and Sreya in lead roles, was released recently and is running successfully with a hit talk. It was made under RCC Enter...Continue reading
'Bangaru Bullodu' releases in theatres on January 23. At the film's pre-release event, guests wished the comedy entertainer all the best. Speaking on the occasion, director Meher Ramesh said, "The...Continue reading
The makers of Vijay Devarakonda-Pooja Jhaveri starrer ‘Dwaraka’ are making plans to release the film in November. ‘Pelli Choopulu’ fame Vijay Devarakonda as hero and Pooja J...Continue reading
Sumanth Ashwin as hero, ‘Right Right’ is being made under Sri Satya Entertainments banner with Manu as director. J Vamsi Krishna is producing the film. ‘Baahubali’ fame Prabhakar is playing a cruci...Continue reading
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