The Telugu box-office will witness a slew of releases on May 3. Here is the list of new releases that are coming up: 'Aa Okkati Adakku': Starring Allari Naresh as the hero, the film is distributed...Continue reading
Santosh Shobhan has opened up about the audience's response to his latest box office release, 'Like Share Subscribe', a comedy caper that hit the cinemas recently. In a fervent social media post, t...Continue reading
The success meet of 'Jathi Ranalu' was held in Hyderabad with the film's main cast and crew in attendance. Speaking on the occasion, director KV Anudeep said that the film has become a huge hit in ...Continue reading
'Like Share & Subscribe' is one term we hear almost every day. Internet users and YouTube addicts know that the three words are used in quick succession by every other person. The three words a...Continue reading
Actress Faria Abdullah who amused the audience with her acting skills in the latest hit movie 'Jati Ratnaalu' is all set for her next. It is being said that Faria is currently in consideration for ...Continue reading
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