Vishal's new pan-India movie is titled 'Mark Antony' across all major South Indian languages. Featuring the talented actor in a heavy role where he sports a thick beard, the film is directed by Adh...Continue reading
'SWAG', starring Sree Vishnu in a self-styled role, is directed by Hasith Goli. A quirky song titled Singaro Singa from the movie is out. Composer Vivek Sagar chooses Baba Sehgal to deliver an earw...Continue reading
A few members of BJP filed a police complaint against lyricist Ananta Sriram for using a bhajan song 'Digu Digu Digu Naaga' in an item song. As per the sources, a complaint was filed by mahila m...Continue reading
'Tuck Jagadish' will release in theaters on April 16. Starring Natural Star Nani, the Shiva Nirvana directorial is a family entertainer with adequate commercial elements. "We are happy to announce...Continue reading
Nikhil is known for selecting different kinds of script. The actor is liked by today's youth as his films are different. They look forward to his films as there is something unique in it. Nikhil is...Continue reading
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