Naga Chaitanya's Telugu-Tamil movie is his 22nd outing. The film was recently in the news for roping in Aravind Swami, Sarathkumar, Priyamani, Vennela Kishore and Sampath Raj. Also, Tamil actors Pr...Continue reading
Krithi Shetty was earlier this week in the news when the makers of Ram Pothineni's 19th film confirmed that the 'Uppena' actress is the heroine of the movie. And now, the actress is in the news for...Continue reading
'Shyam Singha Roy', which was released in theatres on December 24, stars Natural Star Nani, Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty. Directed by Rahul Sankrityan, the film has locked its post-theatrical OTT ...Continue reading
'Shyam Singha Roy', starring Natural Star Nani, Sai Pallavi and Krithi Shetty, was released in theatres on December 24 last year. Directed by Rahul Sankrityan, the reincarnation romantic-actioner i...Continue reading
'Bangarraju', starring Akkineni Nagarjuna in the lead, features Naga Chaitanya as Chinna Bangarraju. On the occasion of the 'Love Story' actor's birthday, a separate teaser was released today. We ...Continue reading
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