After the release of the trailer of ‘Julie 2’, Raai Laxmi had set the temperatures soaring. The bold and erotic thriller saw Raai Laxmi in the lead role. However, the film has performed...Continue reading
Lakshmi Rai, whose one unique selling point is her ravishing oomph factor, turned down a Tamil film just because she is required to act without wearing a blouse. Right from the beginning of her ca...Continue reading
Balakrishna’s untitled film under the direction of Parachuri Murali is being produced by M L Kumar Chowdary under Sri Keerthi Combines. The film has Lakshmi Rai and Saloni as leading ladies in whi...Continue reading
Actress Lakshmi Rai is unmarried. She is popular for her item songs in Tollywood. The thirty something actress is known for her hot pics and dance moves. She is currently busy with her film 'Where ...Continue reading
Makers of "Naga Kanya" have released the Telugu Trailer of the film. Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, Rai Lakshmi and Catherine Theresa play lead roles in the film and Journey fame ‘Jai’ had ap...Continue reading
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