'Orey Bujjiga', starring Raj Tarun, Malavika Nair and Hebah Patel, released on Aha recently. The comedy-drama will now head to screens on January 1. This makes it the first theatrical release in 20...Continue reading
'Bhogi' is directed by Varun K and produced by Pradeep Chandra of PC Creations. A youthful entertainer with a suspenseful plot, the film is currently in the post-production phase. Actress Hebbah Pa...Continue reading
After receiving an excellent response to the hilarious teaser, the team of 'Anddhagadu' is gearing up to release the songs. The first single, 'Debbaku Poye Poye' from the movie, will be released to...Continue reading
‘Odela RailwayStation’, written by popular director Sampath Nandi, is directed by Ashok Teja. Starring Vasishta Simha and Hebah Patel, the film's new poster is out marking the New Year'...Continue reading
It has been one week since the release of Nikhil starrer ‘ Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada’ and the film is still doing extremely well. It is running in packed houses all over. This Nikhil starrer was ...Continue reading
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