‘Love Journey’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil super hit film which was directed by Sripathy Rangaswamy. The film features Jai, Shazahn Padamsi and Swathi in lead roles and has music by Sa...Continue reading
Satya is the title of a short film led by Sai Durgha Tej and Swathi Reddy. Hanshitha and Harshith Reddy have produced this one on Dil Raju Productions. The short film has bagged the People's Choic...Continue reading
The makers of 'Bangaru Kodipetta' gets creative with the following promos to keep the film buffs interested in their film. With Navdeep and Swathi in lead roles and fight master Ram-Lakshman in ke...Continue reading
'Month Of Madhu' was released in theatres on October 6. It is now heading to Aha Video on November 3. The Telugu-only OTT platform today announced the release date of the coming-of-age relationship...Continue reading
Naresh, Sashi Kumar, Swathi, Vasundara and Niveda starrer ‘Sangharshana’ which is titled as ‘Porali’ in Tamil is all set to hit theaters on December 1st. The film is directed by Samudrakani and th...Continue reading
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