The fourth single from 'Baby' came out on Monday. Titled 'Riba Pappa', the song follows the triangular love story involving two men and a woman, played by Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin, and Vais...Continue reading
'Baby' is an upcoming rom-com directed by Sai Rajesh ('Colour Photo' fame). Produced by SKN, the film is fronted by 'Pushpaka Vimanam' and 'Highway' actor Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin (of the sh...Continue reading
'Baby' was released in theatres this Friday. Soon after Thursday's paid premieres, Vijay Deverakonda spoke to the media and congratulated the whole team. He was visibly happy for his younger brothe...Continue reading
'Baby' won a new fan. And he is director Sukumar himself. The 'Pushpa' maker, who loves to pen 'hatke' love stories, described the writing in 'Baby' as unconventional. "Definitely, this movie will...Continue reading
'Love Me: If You Dare', fronted by Ashish Reddy of 'Rowdy Boys' fame and Vaishnavi Chaitanya of 'Baby' fame, will head to theatres on May 25. The romantic horror film's release date has been moved ...Continue reading
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