A pre-release event of 'The Warriorr' was held in Chennai on Wednesday. The who's who of the Tamil film industry graced the event. The film is hitting the cinemas on July 14. Speaking on the occas...Continue reading
Nithiin's 'Macherla Niyojakavargam' is hitting the cinemas on August 12 as one of the major theatrical releases of the year. The news is that Krithi Shetty's first look poster was unveiled today. ...Continue reading
'Shyam Singha Roy', directed by Rahul Sankrityan, will head to the theatres on December 24. The film's trailer was released the other day. It has been a hit. The news is that the fourth song from ...Continue reading
Days after unveiling the teaser for 'Shyam Singha Roy', the makers of the film have released its second song. On Thursday, its romantic new single was released. Titled 'Edo Edo', the melody is shot...Continue reading
It was earlier announced that Natural star- Nani's upcoming movie Tuck Jagadish has been postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 situations. Here is another update regarding Nani's next movie Shyam S...Continue reading
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