Bombhaat is a Telugu language Film produced by Vishwas Hannurkar under the Suchetha DreamWorks Productions banner, and Directed by debutant I. Raghavendra Varma s/o Sunil Varma (Aathma Bandham, Pre...Continue reading
In the teaser for 'Sammathame', Kiran Abbavaram's character doesn't believe in love before marriage. But when he runs into Chandini Chowdhary, he slowly falls in love without his conscious effort. ...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram of 'Rajavaru Ranigaru' fame has been zeroed in on for a new movie. Titled 'Sammathame', this one will be helmed by Gopinath Reddy, who has also penned its story, screenplay and dial...Continue reading
'Sammathame', starring Kiran Abbavaram and Chandini Chowdhary, is currently waiting to hit the cinemas. On Saturday, a retro duet from the movie was released by the makers. Shot on the lead pair, ...Continue reading
'Sammathame', starring Kiran Abbavaram and Chandini Chowdhary, has locked its release date. The romantic drama is heading to theatres on June 24. Making the release date announcement today, a post...Continue reading
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