In a recent interview, director Venkat Prabhu conceived a bizarre explanation for why Thalapathy Vijay's 'The GOAT' has been a flop in Telugu and Hindi. "I guess my movie didn't work well with the ...Continue reading
The recent controversy surrounding the de-aging effects in Thalapathy Vijay's 'The Greatest Of All Time' (referred to as 'The GOAT' in short) serves as a stark reminder that even big-budget product...Continue reading
The protagonists of both 'Matka' (November 14th release) and 'Lucky Baskhar' have certain obvious similarities. They both epitomize greed, they both are deviants, they both rationalize their misdee...Continue reading
Meenakshi Chaudhary of 'Khiladi', 'Guntur Kaaram' and 'HIT 2' fame has at least five movies coming up in Telugu in the next seven or eight months. Here are the ones: 1. Lucky Baskhar: Releases on ...Continue reading
'The Greatest of All Time' is the upcoming movie of Thalapathy Vijay. Written and directed by Venkat Prabhu, it will head to theatres on September 5. The third single from the movie is titled 'Spa...Continue reading
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