'Narappa', produced by Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd and V Creations, stars Venkatesh and is directed by Sreekanth Addala. D Suresh Babu and Kalaippuli S Thanu, the producers of the action drama, toda...Continue reading
‘Odela RailwayStation’, produced by KK Radha Mohan of Sri Sathya Sai Arts, is written by Sampath Nandi. Directed by debutant Ashok Teja, Vasishta Simha is its hero. A crime thriller, th...Continue reading
With 'Chandee' movie, Priyamani also changed her root entirely different towards heroine centric track. After listening to Chandee movie subject she immediatly attracted to it, and said ok to th...Continue reading
Victory Venkatesh's upcoming movie Narappa has completed the entire shoot and is prepping up for its release. Being it the official remake of the Tamil movie 'Asuran', Venkatesh is to reprise Dhanu...Continue reading
'Cyanide', directed by the winner of several national and international awards director Rajesh Touchriver, stars the National-award winning actress Priyamani in the lead. Middle East Cinema Pvt Ltd...Continue reading
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