'KA', starring Kiran Abbavaram in a dual role, is set for an exclusive digital premiere on ETV Win starting November 28. In a statement, Kiran said that his biggest movie will be available for the...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's latest film, KA, is running to packed houses. The opening day collections were an impressive Rs 6.18 crores, and the momentum only grew from there. Day 2 saw a stronger performanc...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's period thriller, 'KA', has finally hit the screens today. The film has been generating significant buzz since its promotional campaign, and the grand paid premieres across Telugu ...Continue reading
Narne Nithin, who is Jr NTR's brother-in-law (his wife's brother), is in the news because GA 2 Pictures has launched a movie with him as the male lead. Nayan Sarika is the heroine of this untitled ...Continue reading
When 'Ka Mass Jathara' was announced, it looked like this would be yet another ritual-edifying song inspired by the recent spurt in religious imagery in our movies. The song, envisioned to entertai...Continue reading
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