'Umapathi' is a seemingly idyllic and feel-good love story set in the backdrop of a village. Starring leading man Anuragh and Avika Gor, the film is touted to be a rooted story directed by Satya Dw...Continue reading
Young and successful hero Nikhil’s supernatural thriller Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada is turning out to be a milestone film for the actor. The film released last week is continuing to rake good coll...Continue reading
The notes ban effect is high on cinema industry. There is a talk that, people are not keen on watching films in such dire circumstances. Interestingly, Nikhil, Hebah Patel and Nandita Swetha starre...Continue reading
Sai Ronak, who was most recently seen in the crime comedy 'Raajayogam', is gearing up for the theatrical release of 'Popcorn' on February 10. The movie's trailer was today released at an event in H...Continue reading
Sai Ronak's next theatrical release is 'Popcorn'. As is known, the emotional rom-com is slated to head to the theatres on February 10. On Wednesday, its second single titled 'Madhi Vihangamayye' wa...Continue reading
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