‘Rey’, the Musical love story of Sai Dharam Tej is all set to arrive theaters in February. Written, director and produced by YVS Chowdary, the film also introduces Bollywood veteran actress Shaban...Continue reading
Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna's ‘Dictator’ is coming to the audience on January 14 as Sankranti treat. Versatile director Sriwass, who carved commercial and family entertainers such as ‘Lakshyam’...Continue reading
YVS Chowdary’s ‘Rey’ team is back in India after the long shooting schedule in the US. ‘Rey’ is the maiden film of Sai Dharam Tej (Chiranjeevi’s nephew) which is mainly shot in the US. The story ...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, is coming from the critically-acclaimed director Praveen Sattaru. "National Investigation Agency, India's Cent...Continue reading
SE7EN OCEANS CINEMAS LLC, USA bags the overseas screening rights of the most anticipated Thriller Movie "GUNTUR TALKIES". Guntur Talkies movie is a romantic crime comedy film directed by Praveen Sa...Continue reading
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