The First Look Motion Poster of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Satya Dev, Pooj...Continue reading
The makers of Vijay Devarakonda-Pooja Jhaveri starrer ‘Dwaraka’ are making plans to release the film in November. ‘Pelli Choopulu’ fame Vijay Devarakonda as hero and Pooja J...Continue reading
Vijay Devarakonda, who scored super success with ‘Pelli Choopulu’, is coming up with the latest film ‘Dwaraka’. All formalities related to the film including audio release a...Continue reading
Young Hero Vijay Deverakonda who scored One Million Dollar mark in USA earlier, is now coming back with "Dwaraka" to race another One Million dollars. "Dwaraka" is romantic- comedy entertainer whic...Continue reading
Youngsters are coming up with new concepts and impressing audience and industry people as well. Not just on making films, they are coming up with innovative ideas with the first look itself. Now, i...Continue reading
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