Among this week's releases, 'Rudrangi' stands rejected by the audience comprehensively. Jagapathi Babu portrays the character of a feudal lord in this period drama, where he tyrannizes an entire vi...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring 'Yama Donga' fame Mamta Mohandas in the role of a fierce noblewoman. Jwalabhai is her name and she is a 'dorasani' in this multi-lingual...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Jagapathi Babu as a savage 'Dora' whose self-image is that of a wild animal. He is the evil 'wild saala' who believes that freedom is no...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Ashish Gandhi in an action-driven role. The actor's first look poster has him holding a double-barrel gun and looking intently. The mak...Continue reading
‘Preyasi’ starring Madhavan and Mamta Mohandas has completed its dubbing process and is set to release on May 13th. The film is a dubbed version of Tamil super hit film ‘Guru En Aalu’ which was di...Continue reading
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