Introduction: Finding Fanny revolves around five rather dysfunctional characters that live in the quaint sleepy village of Pocolim, nestled deep in the interiors of Goa, India. Pocolim is a...Continue reading
'Fighter', the action film starring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor, is slated to hit the cinemas on January 25 (Thursday). Despite the low buzz (as is evident from less-than-expec...Continue reading
"How the heck is this guy 57?! How can anyone get that strong and fit at that age without keeling over with a heart attack? Especially a lifelong smoker like him," Nikhil Mehra wondered soon after ...Continue reading
Bollywood celebrities acquiring luxury houses/apartments always hog headlines. Last year, Bollywood star Ranveer Singh and his wife Deepika Padukone were in the news when they owned a bungalow by s...Continue reading
Bikini is not new in Bollywood since right from top heroine to the fresh face, every heroine is keen to mesmerize the male audience by showing off their assets. In this line Bipasa Basu is one of t...Continue reading
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